Resolving PS3 callstacks

Hopefully, your engine includes a crash handler. If it does not, stop reading, add one (here’s simple example) and then continue. In most cases, when something goes wrong, log files contains fully resolved callstack. However, sometimes, especially at the last stage and (semi) final builds, crash reporter might be disabled and now all we have is a list of addresses. Luckily, it’s still possible to resolve those, using Sony’s tools (that’s also what I use in PS3 version of MemTracer). It’s a little bit cumbersome, as you need to run commandline utility for every address. I had to do this recently and it was annoying enough to make me hack a quick Perl script that automates the whole process. It’s really simple, just copy your stack trace from log to text file and run self_file txt_file_with_trace . It’ll try to resolve any hexadecimal numbers it’ll find in the text file. Script can be found here.

Old comments

carry on, carry on 2012-01-08 16:14:42

i admire what you’re doing;
keep it up;
you’re great!

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