package main import ( "bufio" "bytes" "fmt" "io/ioutil" "math/rand" "os" "strings" "time" ) type ZHeader struct { version uint8 hiMemBase uint16 ip uint16 dictAddress uint32 objTableAddress uint32 globalVarAddress uint32 staticMemAddress uint32 abbreviationTable uint32 } const ( OPERAND_LARGE = 0x0 OPERAND_SMALL = 0x1 OPERAND_VARIABLE = 0x2 OPERAND_OMITTED = 0x3 FORM_SHORT = 0x0 FORM_LONG = 0x1 FORM_VARIABLE = 0x2 MAX_STACK = 1024 MAX_OBJECT = 256 OBJECT_ENTRY_SIZE = 9 OBJECT_PARENT_INDEX = 4 OBJECT_SIBLING_INDEX = 5 OBJECT_CHILD_INDEX = 6 NULL_OBJECT_INDEX = 0 DICT_NOT_FOUND = 0 ) type ZStack struct { stack []uint16 top int localFrame int } func NewStack() *ZStack { s := new(ZStack) s.stack = make([]uint16, MAX_STACK) = MAX_STACK s.localFrame = return s } type ZMachine struct { ip uint32 header ZHeader buf []uint8 stack *ZStack localFrame uint16 done bool } type ZFunction func(*ZMachine, []uint16, uint16) type ZFunction1Op func(*ZMachine, uint16) type ZFunction0Op func(*ZMachine) func DebugPrintf(format string, v ...interface{}) { //fmt.Printf(format, v...) } var alphabets = []string{ "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ", " \n0123456789.,!?_#'\"/\\-:()" } func (s *ZStack) Push(value uint16) { if == 0 { panic("Stack overflow") } s.stack[] = value } func (s *ZStack) Pop() uint16 { if == MAX_STACK { panic("Trying to pop from empty stack") } retValue := s.stack[] return retValue } func (s *ZStack) Reset(newTop int) { if newTop > MAX_STACK || newTop < 0 { panic("Invalid stack top value") } = newTop } func (s *ZStack) GetTopItem() uint16 { return s.stack[] } func (s *ZStack) SaveFrame() { s.Push(uint16(s.localFrame)) s.localFrame = } // Returns caller address (where to return to) func (s *ZStack) RestoreFrame() uint32 { // Discard local frame = s.localFrame // Restore previous frame s.localFrame = int(s.Pop()) retLo := s.Pop() retHi := s.Pop() return (uint32(retHi) << 16) | uint32(retLo) } func (s *ZStack) ValidateLocalVarIndex(localVarIndex int) { if (localVarIndex > 0xF) { panic("Local var index out of bounds") } if (s.localFrame < localVarIndex) { panic("Stack underflow") } } func (s *ZStack) GetLocalVar(localVarIndex int) uint16 { s.ValidateLocalVarIndex(localVarIndex) stackIndex := (s.localFrame - localVarIndex) - 1 r := s.stack[stackIndex] return r } func (s *ZStack) SetLocalVar(localVarIndex int, value uint16) { s.ValidateLocalVarIndex(localVarIndex) stackIndex := (s.localFrame - localVarIndex) - 1 s.stack[stackIndex] = value } func (s *ZStack) Dump() { DebugPrintf("Top = %d, local frame = %d\n",, s.localFrame) for i := MAX_STACK - 1; i >=; i-- { if i == s.localFrame { DebugPrintf("0x%X: 0x%X <------ local frame\n", i, s.stack[i]) } else { DebugPrintf("0x%X: 0x%X\n", i, s.stack[i]) } } } func GetUint16(buf []byte, offset uint32) uint16 { return (uint16(buf[offset]) << 8) | (uint16)(buf[offset + 1]) } func GetUint32(buf []byte, offset uint32) uint32 { return (uint32(buf[offset]) << 24) | (uint32(buf[offset + 1]) << 16) | (uint32(buf[offset + 2]) << 8) | uint32(buf[offset + 3]) } func (h *ZHeader) read(buf []byte) { h.version = buf[0] h.hiMemBase = GetUint16(buf, 4) h.ip = GetUint16(buf, 6) h.dictAddress = uint32(GetUint16(buf, 0x8)) h.objTableAddress = uint32(GetUint16(buf, 0xA)) h.globalVarAddress = uint32(GetUint16(buf, 0xC)) h.staticMemAddress = uint32(GetUint16(buf, 0xE)) h.abbreviationTable = uint32(GetUint16(buf, 0x18)) DebugPrintf("End of dyn mem: 0x%X\n", h.staticMemAddress) DebugPrintf("Global vars: 0x%X\n", h.globalVarAddress) } // Doesn't modify IP func (zm *ZMachine) PeekByte() uint8 { return zm.buf[zm.ip] } // Reads & moves to the next one (advances IP) func (zm *ZMachine) ReadByte() uint8 { zm.ip++ return zm.buf[zm.ip - 1] } // Reads 2 bytes and advances IP func (zm *ZMachine) ReadUint16() uint16 { retVal := zm.GetUint16(zm.ip) zm.ip += 2 return retVal } // We can only write to dynamic memory func (zm *ZMachine) IsSafeToWrite(address uint32) bool { return address < zm.header.staticMemAddress } func (zm *ZMachine) GetUint16(offset uint32) uint16 { return (uint16(zm.buf[offset]) << 8) | (uint16)(zm.buf[offset + 1]) } func (zm *ZMachine) SetUint16(offset uint32, v uint16) { zm.buf[offset] = uint8(v >> 8) zm.buf[offset + 1] = uint8(v & 0xFF) } // " Given a packed address P, the formula to obtain the corresponding byte address B is: // 2P Versions 1, 2 and 3" func PackedAddress(a uint32) uint32 { return a * 2 } func (zm *ZMachine) ReadGlobal(x uint8) uint16 { if x < 0x10 { panic("Invalid global variable") } addr := PackedAddress(uint32(x) - 0x10) ret := zm.GetUint16(zm.header.globalVarAddress + addr) return ret } func (zm *ZMachine) SetGlobal(x uint16, v uint16) { if x < 0x10 { panic("Invalid global variable") } addr := PackedAddress(uint32(x) - 0x10) zm.SetUint16(zm.header.globalVarAddress + addr, v) } func (zm *ZMachine) GetObjectEntryAddress(objectIndex uint16) uint32 { if objectIndex > MAX_OBJECT || objectIndex == 0 { fmt.Printf("Index: %d\n", objectIndex) panic("Invalid object index") } // Convert from 1-based (0 = NULL = no object) to 0-based objectIndex-- // Skip default props objectEntryAddress := zm.header.objTableAddress + (31 * 2) + uint32(objectIndex * OBJECT_ENTRY_SIZE) return uint32(objectEntryAddress) } func (zm *ZMachine) SetObjectProperty(objectIndex uint16, propertyId uint16, value uint16) { objectEntryAddress := uint32(zm.GetObjectEntryAddress(objectIndex)) propertiesAddress := GetUint16(zm.buf, objectEntryAddress + 7) nameLength := uint16(zm.buf[propertiesAddress]) * 2 // in 2-byte words // Find property found := false propData := uint32(propertiesAddress + nameLength + 1) for !found { propSize := zm.buf[propData] if propSize == 0 { break } propData++ propNo := uint16(propSize & 0x1F) // Props are sorted if propNo < propertyId { break } numBytes := (propSize >> 5) + 1 if propNo == propertyId { found = true if numBytes == 1 { zm.buf[propData] = uint8(value & 0xFF) } else if numBytes == 2 { zm.SetUint16(propData, value) } else { panic("SetObjectProperty only supports 1/2 byte properties") } } propData += uint32(numBytes) } if !found { panic("Property not found!") } } func (zm *ZMachine) GetFirstPropertyAddress(objectIndex uint16) uint16 { objectEntryAddress := uint32(zm.GetObjectEntryAddress(objectIndex)) propertiesAddress := GetUint16(zm.buf, objectEntryAddress + 7) nameLength := uint16(zm.buf[propertiesAddress]) * 2 // in 2-byte words propData := propertiesAddress + nameLength + 1 return propData } // Returns prop data address, number of property bytes // (0 if not found) func (zm *ZMachine) GetObjectPropertyInfo(objectIndex uint16, propertyId uint16) (uint16, uint16) { propData := zm.GetFirstPropertyAddress(objectIndex) // Find property found := false for !found { propSize := zm.buf[propData] if propSize == 0 { break } propData++ propNo := uint16(propSize & 0x1F) // Props are sorted if propNo < propertyId { break } numBytes := uint16(propSize >> 5) + 1 if propNo == propertyId { return propData, numBytes } propData += uint16(numBytes) } return uint16(0), uint16(0) } func (zm *ZMachine) GetObjectPropertyAddress(objectIndex uint16, propertyId uint16) uint16 { address, _ := zm.GetObjectPropertyInfo(objectIndex, propertyId) return address } func (zm *ZMachine) GetNextObjectProperty(objectIndex uint16, propertyId uint16) uint16 { nextPropSize := uint8(0) // " if called with zero, it gives the first property number present." if propertyId == 0 { propData := zm.GetFirstPropertyAddress(objectIndex) nextPropSize = zm.buf[propData] } else { propData, numBytes := zm.GetObjectPropertyInfo(objectIndex, propertyId) if propData == 0 { panic("GetNextObjectProperty - non existent property") } nextPropSize = zm.buf[propData + numBytes] } // "zero, indicating the end of the property list" if nextPropSize == 0 { return 0 } else { return uint16(nextPropSize & 0x1F) } } func (zm *ZMachine) GetObjectProperty(objectIndex uint16, propertyId uint16) uint16 { propData, numBytes := zm.GetObjectPropertyInfo(objectIndex, propertyId) result := uint16(0) if propData == 0 { // Get a default one result = zm.GetPropertyDefault(propertyId) DebugPrintf("Default prop %d = 0x%X\n", propertyId, result) } else { if numBytes == 1 { result = uint16(zm.buf[propData]) } else if numBytes == 2 { result = GetUint16(zm.buf, uint32(propData)) } else { panic("GetObjectProperty only supports 1/2 byte properties") } } return result } // True if set func (zm *ZMachine) TestObjectAttr(objectIndex uint16, attribute uint16) bool { if attribute > 31 { panic("Attribute out of bounds") } objectEntryAddress := zm.GetObjectEntryAddress(objectIndex) attribs := GetUint32(zm.buf, objectEntryAddress) // 0: top bit // 31: bottom bit mask := uint32(1 << (31 - attribute)) return (attribs & mask) != 0 } func (zm *ZMachine) SetObjectAttr(objectIndex uint16, attribute uint16) { if attribute > 31 { panic("Attribute out of bounds") } objectEntryAddress := zm.GetObjectEntryAddress(objectIndex) byteIndex := uint32(attribute >> 3) shift := 7 - (attribute & 0x7) zm.buf[objectEntryAddress + byteIndex] |= (1 << shift) } func (zm *ZMachine) ClearObjectAttr(objectIndex uint16, attribute uint16) { if attribute > 31 { panic("Attribute out of bounds") } objectEntryAddress := zm.GetObjectEntryAddress(objectIndex) byteIndex := uint32(attribute >> 3) shift := 7 - (attribute & 0x7) zm.buf[objectEntryAddress + byteIndex] &= ^(1 << shift) } func (zm *ZMachine) IsDirectParent(childIndex uint16, parentIndex uint16) bool { return zm.GetParentObject(childIndex) == parentIndex } func (zm *ZMachine) GetParentObject(objectIndex uint16) uint16 { objectEntryAddress := zm.GetObjectEntryAddress(objectIndex) return uint16(zm.buf[objectEntryAddress + OBJECT_PARENT_INDEX]) } // Unlink object from its parent func (zm *ZMachine) UnlinkObject(objectIndex uint16) { objectEntryAddress := zm.GetObjectEntryAddress(objectIndex) currentParentIndex := uint16(zm.buf[objectEntryAddress + OBJECT_PARENT_INDEX]) // Unlink from current parent first if currentParentIndex != NULL_OBJECT_INDEX { curParentAddress := zm.GetObjectEntryAddress(currentParentIndex) // If we're the first child -> move to sibling if uint16(zm.buf[curParentAddress + OBJECT_CHILD_INDEX]) == objectIndex { zm.buf[curParentAddress + OBJECT_CHILD_INDEX] = zm.buf[objectEntryAddress + OBJECT_SIBLING_INDEX] } else { childIter := uint16(zm.buf[curParentAddress + OBJECT_CHILD_INDEX]) prevChild := uint16(NULL_OBJECT_INDEX) for childIter != objectIndex && childIter != NULL_OBJECT_INDEX { prevChild = childIter childIter = zm.GetSibling(childIter) } // Sanity checks if childIter == NULL_OBJECT_INDEX { panic("Object not found on parent children list") } if prevChild == NULL_OBJECT_INDEX { panic("Corrupted data") } prevSiblingAddress := zm.GetObjectEntryAddress(prevChild) sibling := zm.buf[objectEntryAddress + OBJECT_SIBLING_INDEX] zm.buf[prevSiblingAddress + OBJECT_SIBLING_INDEX] = sibling } zm.buf[objectEntryAddress + OBJECT_PARENT_INDEX] = NULL_OBJECT_INDEX; } } func (zm *ZMachine) ReparentObject(objectIndex uint16, newParentIndex uint16) { objectEntryAddress := zm.GetObjectEntryAddress(objectIndex) currentParentIndex := uint16(zm.buf[objectEntryAddress + OBJECT_PARENT_INDEX]) if currentParentIndex == newParentIndex { return } zm.UnlinkObject(objectIndex) // Make the first child of our new parent newParentAddress := zm.GetObjectEntryAddress(newParentIndex) zm.buf[objectEntryAddress + OBJECT_SIBLING_INDEX] = zm.buf[newParentAddress + OBJECT_CHILD_INDEX] zm.buf[newParentAddress + OBJECT_CHILD_INDEX] = uint8(objectIndex) zm.buf[objectEntryAddress + OBJECT_PARENT_INDEX] = uint8(newParentIndex) } func (zm *ZMachine) GetFirstChild(objectIndex uint16) uint16 { objectEntryAddress := zm.GetObjectEntryAddress(objectIndex) return uint16(zm.buf[objectEntryAddress + OBJECT_CHILD_INDEX]) } func (zm *ZMachine) GetSibling(objectIndex uint16) uint16 { objectEntryAddress := zm.GetObjectEntryAddress(objectIndex) return uint16(zm.buf[objectEntryAddress + OBJECT_SIBLING_INDEX]) } func (zm *ZMachine) PrintObjectName(objectIndex uint16) { objectEntryAddress := zm.GetObjectEntryAddress(objectIndex) propertiesAddress := uint32(GetUint16(zm.buf, objectEntryAddress + 7)) zm.DecodeZString(propertiesAddress + 1) } func ZCall(zm *ZMachine, args []uint16, numArgs uint16) { if numArgs == 0 { panic("Data corruption, call instruction requires at least 1 argument") } // Save return address zm.stack.Push(uint16(zm.ip >> 16) & 0xFFFF) zm.stack.Push(uint16(zm.ip & 0xFFFF)) functionAddress := PackedAddress(uint32(args[0])) DebugPrintf("Jumping to 0x%X [0x%X]\n", functionAddress, args[0]) zm.ip = functionAddress // Save local frame (think EBP) zm.stack.SaveFrame() if zm.ip == 0 { ZReturnFalse(zm) return } // Local function variables on the stack numLocals := zm.ReadByte() // "When a routine is called, its local variables are created with initial values taken from the routine header. // Next, the arguments are written into the local variables (argument 1 into local 1 and so on)." numArgs-- // first argument is function address for i := 0; i < int(numLocals); i++ { localVar := zm.ReadUint16() if numArgs > 0 { localVar = args[i + 1] numArgs-- } zm.stack.Push(localVar) } } // storew array word-index value func ZStoreW(zm *ZMachine, args []uint16, numArgs uint16) { address := uint32(args[0] + args[1] * 2) if !zm.IsSafeToWrite(address) { panic("Access violation") } zm.SetUint16(address, args[2]) } func ZStoreB(zm *ZMachine, args []uint16, numArgs uint16) { address := uint32(args[0] + args[1]) if !zm.IsSafeToWrite(address) { panic("Access violation") } zm.buf[address] = uint8(args[2]) } func ZPutProp(zm *ZMachine, args []uint16, numArgs uint16) { zm.SetObjectProperty(args[0], args[1], args[2]) } func ZRead(zm *ZMachine, args []uint16, numArgs uint16) { textAddress := args[0] maxChars := uint16(zm.buf[textAddress]) if maxChars == 0 { panic("Invalid max chars") } maxChars-- reader := bufio.NewReader(os.Stdin) input, _ := reader.ReadString('\n') input = strings.ToLower(input) input = strings.Trim(input, "\r\n") copy(zm.buf[textAddress + 1:textAddress + maxChars], input) zm.buf[textAddress + uint16(len(input)) + 1] = 0 var words []string var wordStarts []uint16 var stringBuffer bytes.Buffer prevWordStart := uint16(1) for i := uint16(1); zm.buf[textAddress + i] != 0; i++ { ch := zm.buf[textAddress + i] if ch == ' ' { if prevWordStart < 0xFFFF { words = append(words, stringBuffer.String()) wordStarts = append(wordStarts, prevWordStart) stringBuffer.Truncate(0) } prevWordStart = 0xFFFF } else { stringBuffer.WriteByte(ch) if prevWordStart == 0xFFFF { prevWordStart = i } } } // Last word if prevWordStart < 0xFFFF { words = append(words, stringBuffer.String()) wordStarts = append(wordStarts, prevWordStart) } // TODO: include other separators, not only spaces parseAddress := uint32(args[1]) maxTokens := zm.buf[parseAddress] //DebugPrintf("Max tokens: %d\n", maxTokens) parseAddress++ numTokens := uint8(len(words)) if numTokens > maxTokens { numTokens = maxTokens } zm.buf[parseAddress] = numTokens parseAddress++ // "Each block consists of the byte address of the word in the dictionary, if it is in the dictionary, or 0 if it isn't; // followed by a byte giving the number of letters in the word; and finally a byte giving the position in the text-buffer // of the first letter of the word. for i, w := range(words) { if uint8(i) >= maxTokens { break } DebugPrintf("w = %s, %d\n", w, wordStarts[i]) dictionaryAddress := zm.FindInDictionary(w) DebugPrintf("Dictionary address: 0x%X\n", dictionaryAddress) zm.SetUint16(parseAddress, dictionaryAddress) zm.buf[parseAddress + 2] = uint8(len(w)) zm.buf[parseAddress + 3] = uint8(wordStarts[i]) parseAddress += 4 } } func ZPrintChar(zm *ZMachine, args []uint16, numArgs uint16) { ch := args[0] PrintZChar(ch) } func ZPrintNum(zm *ZMachine, args []uint16, numArgs uint16) { fmt.Printf("%d", int16(args[0])) } // If range is positive, returns a uniformly random number between 1 and range. // If range is negative, the random number generator is seeded to that value and the return value is 0. // Most interpreters consider giving 0 as range illegal (because they attempt a division with remainder by the range), /// but correct behaviour is to reseed the generator in as random a way as the interpreter can (e.g. by using the time // in milliseconds). func ZRandom(zm *ZMachine, args []uint16, numArgs uint16) { randRange := int16(args[0]) if randRange > 0 { r := rand.Int31n(int32(randRange)) // [0, n] zm.StoreResult(uint16(r + 1)) } else if randRange < 0 { rand.Seed(int64(randRange * -1)) zm.StoreResult(0) } else { rand.Seed(time.Now().Unix()) zm.StoreResult(0) } } func ZPush(zm *ZMachine, args []uint16, numArgs uint16) { zm.stack.Push(args[0]) } func ZPull(zm *ZMachine, args []uint16, numArgs uint16) { r := zm.stack.Pop() DebugPrintf("Popped %d 0x%X %d %d\n", r, zm.ip, numArgs, args[0]) zm.StoreAtLocation(args[0], r) } func ZNOP_VAR(zm *ZMachine, args []uint16, numArgs uint16) { fmt.Printf("IP=0x%X\n", zm.ip) panic("NOP VAR") } func ZNOP(zm *ZMachine, args []uint16) { fmt.Printf("IP=0x%X\n", zm.ip) panic("NOP 2OP") } func GenericBranch(zm *ZMachine, conditionSatisfied bool) { branchInfo := zm.ReadByte() // "If bit 7 of the first byte is 0, a branch occurs when the condition was false; if 1, then branch is on true" branchOnFalse := (branchInfo >> 7) == 0 var jumpAddress int32 var branchOffset int32 // 0 = return false, 1 = return true, 2 = standard jump returnFromCurrent := int32(2) // "If bit 6 is set, then the branch occupies 1 byte only, and the "offset" is in the range 0 to 63, given in the bottom 6 bits" if (branchInfo & (1 << 6)) != 0 { branchOffset = int32(branchInfo & 0x3F) // "An offset of 0 means "return false from the current routine", and 1 means "return true from the current routine". if branchOffset <= 1 { returnFromCurrent = branchOffset } } else { // If bit 6 is clear, then the offset is a signed 14-bit number given in bits 0 to 5 of the first // byte followed by all 8 of the second. secondPart := zm.ReadByte() firstPart := uint16(branchInfo & 0x3F) // Propagate sign bit (2 complement) if (firstPart & 0x20) != 0 { firstPart |= (1 << 6) | (1 << 7) } branchOffset16 := int16(firstPart << 8) | int16(secondPart) branchOffset = int32(branchOffset16) DebugPrintf("Offset: 0x%X [%d]\n", branchOffset, branchOffset) } ip := int32(zm.ip) // "Otherwise, a branch moves execution to the instruction at address // Address after branch data + Offset - 2." jumpAddress = ip + int32(branchOffset) - 2 DebugPrintf("Jump address = 0x%X\n", jumpAddress) doJump := (conditionSatisfied != branchOnFalse) DebugPrintf("Do jump: %t\n", doJump) if doJump { if returnFromCurrent != 2 { ZRet(zm, uint16(returnFromCurrent)) } else { zm.ip = uint32(jumpAddress) } } } func ZJumpEqual(zm *ZMachine, args []uint16, numArgs uint16) { conditionSatisfied := (args[0] == args[1] || (numArgs > 2 && args[0] == args[2]) || (numArgs > 3 && args[0] == args[3])) GenericBranch(zm, conditionSatisfied) } func ZJumpLess(zm *ZMachine, args []uint16, numArgs uint16) { conditionSatisfied := int16(args[0]) < int16(args[1]) GenericBranch(zm, conditionSatisfied) } func ZJumpGreater(zm *ZMachine, args []uint16, numArgs uint16) { conditionSatisfied := int16(args[0]) > int16(args[1]) GenericBranch(zm, conditionSatisfied) } func ZAdd(zm *ZMachine, args []uint16, numArgs uint16) { r := int16(args[0]) + int16(args[1]) zm.StoreResult(uint16(r)) } func ZSub(zm *ZMachine, args[] uint16, numArgs uint16) { r := int16(args[0]) - int16(args[1]) zm.StoreResult(uint16(r)) } func ZMul(zm *ZMachine, args[] uint16, numArgs uint16) { r := int16(args[0]) * int16(args[1]) zm.StoreResult(uint16(r)) } func ZDiv(zm *ZMachine, args[] uint16, numArgs uint16) { if args[1] == 0 { panic("Division by zero") } r := int16(args[0]) / int16(args[1]) zm.StoreResult(uint16(r)) } func ZMod(zm *ZMachine, args[] uint16, numArgs uint16) { if args[1] == 0 { panic("Division by zero (mod)") } r := int16(args[0]) % int16(args[1]) zm.StoreResult(uint16(r)) } func ZStore(zm *ZMachine, args[] uint16, numArgs uint16) { DebugPrintf("%d - 0x%X\n", args[0], args[1]) zm.StoreAtLocation(args[0], args[1]) } func ZTestAttr(zm *ZMachine, args[] uint16, numArgs uint16) { GenericBranch(zm, zm.TestObjectAttr(args[0], args[1])) } func ZOr(zm *ZMachine, args[] uint16, numArgs uint16) { zm.StoreResult(args[0] | args[1]) } func ZAnd(zm *ZMachine, args[] uint16, numArgs uint16) { zm.StoreResult(args[0] & args[1]) } func ZSetAttr(zm *ZMachine, args[] uint16, numArgs uint16) { zm.SetObjectAttr(args[0], args[1]) } func ZClearAttr(zm *ZMachine, args[] uint16, numArgs uint16) { zm.ClearObjectAttr(args[0], args[1]) } func ZLoadB(zm *ZMachine, args[] uint16, numArgs uint16) { address := args[0] + args[1] value := zm.buf[address] zm.StoreResult(uint16(value)) } func ZGetProp(zm *ZMachine, args[] uint16, numArgs uint16) { prop := zm.GetObjectProperty(args[0], args[1]) zm.StoreResult(prop) } func ZGetPropAddr(zm *ZMachine, args[] uint16, numArgs uint16) { addr := zm.GetObjectPropertyAddress(args[0], args[1]) zm.StoreResult(addr) } func ZGetNextProp(zm *ZMachine, args[] uint16, numArgs uint16) { addr := zm.GetNextObjectProperty(args[0], args[1]) zm.StoreResult(addr) } // array word-index -> (result) func ZLoadW(zm *ZMachine, args[] uint16, numArgs uint16) { address := uint32(args[0] + (args[1] * 2)) value := GetUint16(zm.buf, address) zm.StoreResult(value) } // Returns new value. func (zm *ZMachine) AddToVar(varType uint16, value int16) uint16 { retValue := uint16(0) if varType == 0 { zm.stack.stack[] += uint16(value) retValue = zm.stack.GetTopItem() } else if varType < 0x10 { retValue = zm.stack.GetLocalVar((int)(varType - 1)) retValue += uint16(value) zm.stack.SetLocalVar(int(varType - 1), retValue) } else { retValue = zm.ReadGlobal(uint8(varType)) retValue += uint16(value) zm.SetGlobal(varType, retValue) } return retValue } // dec_chk (variable) value ?(label) // Decrement variable, and branch if it is now less than the given value. func ZDecChk(zm *ZMachine, args[] uint16, numArgs uint16) { newValue := zm.AddToVar(args[0], -1) GenericBranch(zm, int16(newValue) < int16(args[1])) } // inc_chk (variable) value ?(label) // Increment variable, and branch if now greater than value. func ZIncChk(zm *ZMachine, args[] uint16, numArgs uint16) { newValue := zm.AddToVar(args[0], 1) GenericBranch(zm, int16(newValue) > int16(args[1])) } // test bitmap flags ?(label) // Jump if all of the flags in bitmap are set (i.e. if bitmap & flags == flags). func ZTest(zm *ZMachine, args[] uint16, numArgs uint16) { bitmap := args[0] flags := args[1] GenericBranch(zm, (bitmap & flags) == flags) } // jin obj1 obj2 ?(label) // Jump if object a is a direct child of b, i.e., if parent of a is b. func ZJin(zm *ZMachine, args[] uint16, numArgs uint16) { GenericBranch(zm, zm.IsDirectParent(args[0], args[1])) } func ZInsertObj(zm *ZMachine, args[] uint16, numArgs uint16) { zm.ReparentObject(args[0], args[1]) } func ZJumpZero(zm *ZMachine, arg uint16) { GenericBranch(zm, arg == 0) } // get_sibling object -> (result) ?(label) // Get next object in tree, branching if this exists, i.e. is not 0. func ZGetSibling(zm *ZMachine, arg uint16) { sibling := zm.GetSibling(arg) zm.StoreResult(sibling) GenericBranch(zm, sibling != NULL_OBJECT_INDEX) } // get_child object -> (result) ?(label) // Get first object contained in given object, branching if this exists, i.e. is not nothing (i.e., is not 0). func ZGetChild(zm *ZMachine, arg uint16) { childIndex := zm.GetFirstChild(arg) zm.StoreResult(childIndex) GenericBranch(zm, childIndex != NULL_OBJECT_INDEX) } func ZGetParent(zm *ZMachine, arg uint16) { parent := zm.GetParentObject(arg) zm.StoreResult(parent) } func ZGetPropLen(zm *ZMachine, arg uint16) { if arg == 0 { zm.StoreResult(0) } else { // Arg = direct address of the property block // To get size, we need to go 1 byte back propSize := zm.buf[arg - 1] numBytes := (propSize >> 5) + 1 zm.StoreResult(uint16(numBytes)) } } // print_paddr packed-address-of-string func ZPrintPAddr(zm *ZMachine, arg uint16) { zm.DecodeZString(uint32(arg) * 2) } func ZLoad(zm *ZMachine, arg uint16) { zm.StoreResult(arg) } func ZInc(zm *ZMachine, arg uint16) { zm.AddToVar(arg, 1) } func ZDec(zm *ZMachine, arg uint16) { zm.AddToVar(arg, -1) } func ZPrintAddr(zm *ZMachine, arg uint16) { zm.DecodeZString(uint32(arg)) } func ZRemoveObj(zm *ZMachine, arg uint16) { zm.UnlinkObject(arg) } func ZPrintObj(zm *ZMachine, arg uint16) { zm.PrintObjectName(arg) } func ZRet(zm *ZMachine, arg uint16) { returnAddress := zm.stack.RestoreFrame() zm.ip = returnAddress DebugPrintf("Returning to 0x%X\n", zm.ip) zm.StoreResult(arg) } // Unconditional jump func ZJump(zm *ZMachine, arg uint16) { jumpOffset := int16(arg) jumpAddress := int32(zm.ip) + int32(jumpOffset) - 2 DebugPrintf("Jump address: 0x%X\n", jumpAddress) zm.ip = uint32(jumpAddress) } func ZNOP1(zm *ZMachine, arg uint16) { fmt.Printf("IP=0x%X\n", zm.ip) panic("NOP1") } func ZReturnTrue(zm *ZMachine) { ZRet(zm, uint16(1)) } func ZReturnFalse(zm *ZMachine) { ZRet(zm, uint16(0)) } func ZPrint(zm *ZMachine) { zm.ip = zm.DecodeZString(zm.ip) } func ZPrintRet(zm *ZMachine) { zm.ip = zm.DecodeZString(zm.ip) fmt.Printf("\n") ZRet(zm, 1) } func ZRetPopped(zm *ZMachine) { retValue := zm.stack.Pop() ZRet(zm, retValue) } func ZPop(zm *ZMachine) { zm.stack.Pop() } func ZQuit(zm *ZMachine) { zm.done = true } func ZNewLine(zm *ZMachine) { fmt.Printf("\n") } func ZNOP0(zm *ZMachine) { panic("NOP0") } var ZFunctions_VAR = []ZFunction{ ZCall, ZStoreW, ZStoreB, ZPutProp, ZRead, ZPrintChar, ZPrintNum, ZRandom, ZPush, ZPull, } var ZFunctions_2OP = []ZFunction{ ZNOP_VAR, ZJumpEqual, ZJumpLess, ZJumpGreater, ZDecChk, ZIncChk, ZJin, ZTest, ZOr, ZAnd, ZTestAttr, ZSetAttr, ZClearAttr, ZStore, ZInsertObj, ZLoadW, ZLoadB, ZGetProp, ZGetPropAddr, ZGetNextProp, ZAdd, ZSub, ZMul, ZDiv, ZMod, } var ZFunctions_1OP = []ZFunction1Op{ ZJumpZero, ZGetSibling, ZGetChild, ZGetParent, ZGetPropLen, ZInc, ZDec, ZPrintAddr, ZNOP1, ZRemoveObj, ZPrintObj, ZRet, ZJump, ZPrintPAddr, ZLoad, ZNOP1, } var ZFunctions_0P = []ZFunction0Op{ ZReturnTrue, ZReturnFalse, ZPrint, ZPrintRet, ZNOP0, ZNOP0, ZNOP0, ZNOP0, ZRetPopped, ZPop, ZQuit, ZNewLine, } func (zm *ZMachine) GetOperand(operandType byte) uint16 { var retValue uint16 switch operandType { case OPERAND_SMALL: retValue = uint16(zm.buf[zm.ip]) zm.ip++ case OPERAND_VARIABLE: varType := zm.buf[zm.ip] // 0 = top of the stack // 1 - 0xF = locals // 0x10 - 0xFF = globals if varType == 0 { retValue = zm.stack.Pop() } else if varType < 0x10 { retValue = zm.stack.GetLocalVar((int)(varType - 1)) } else { retValue = zm.ReadGlobal(varType) } zm.ip++ case OPERAND_LARGE: retValue = GetUint16(zm.buf, zm.ip) zm.ip += 2 case OPERAND_OMITTED: return 0 default: panic("Unknown operand type") } return retValue } func (zm *ZMachine) GetOperands(opTypesByte uint8, operandValues []uint16) uint16 { numOperands := uint16(0) var shift uint8 shift = 6 for i := 0; i < 4; i++ { opType := (opTypesByte >> shift) & 0x3 shift -= 2 if opType == OPERAND_OMITTED { break } opValue := zm.GetOperand(opType) operandValues[numOperands] = opValue numOperands++ } return numOperands } func (zm *ZMachine) StoreAtLocation(storeLocation uint16, v uint16) { // Same deal as read variable // 0 = top of the stack, 0x1-0xF = local var, 0x10 - 0xFF = global var if storeLocation == 0 { zm.stack.Push(v) } else if storeLocation < 0x10 { zm.stack.SetLocalVar((int)(storeLocation - 1), v) } else { zm.SetGlobal(storeLocation, v) } } func (zm *ZMachine) StoreResult(v uint16) { storeLocation := zm.ReadByte() zm.StoreAtLocation(uint16(storeLocation), v) } func (zm *ZMachine) InterpretVARInstruction() { opcode := zm.ReadByte() // "In variable form, if bit 5 is 0 then the count is 2OP; if it is 1, then the count is VAR. // The opcode number is given in the bottom 5 bits. instruction := (opcode & 0x1F) twoOp := ((opcode >> 5) & 0x1) == 0 // "In variable or extended forms, a byte of 4 operand types is given next. // This contains 4 2-bit fields: bits 6 and 7 are the first field, bits 0 and 1 the fourth." // "A value of 0 means a small constant and 1 means a variable." opTypesByte := zm.ReadByte() opValues := make([]uint16, 4) numOperands := zm.GetOperands(opTypesByte, opValues) if twoOp { fn := ZFunctions_2OP[instruction] fn(zm, opValues, numOperands) } else { fn := ZFunctions_VAR[instruction] fn(zm, opValues, numOperands) } } func (zm *ZMachine) InterpretShortInstruction() { // "In short form, bits 4 and 5 of the opcode byte give an operand type. // If this is $11 then the operand count is 0OP; otherwise, 1OP. In either case the opcode number is given in the bottom 4 bits." opcode := zm.ReadByte() opType := (opcode >> 4) & 0x3 instruction := (opcode & 0x0F) if opType != OPERAND_OMITTED { opValue := zm.GetOperand(opType) fn := ZFunctions_1OP[instruction] fn(zm, opValue) } else { fn := ZFunctions_0P[instruction] fn(zm) } } func (zm *ZMachine) InterpretLongInstruction() { opcode := zm.ReadByte() // In long form the operand count is always 2OP. The opcode number is given in the bottom 5 bits. instruction := (opcode & 0x1F) // Operand types: // In long form, bit 6 of the opcode gives the type of the first operand, bit 5 of the second. // A value of 0 means a small constant and 1 means a variable. operandType0 := ((opcode & 0x40) >> 6) + 1 operandType1 := ((opcode & 0x20) >> 5) + 1 opValues := make([]uint16, 2) opValue0 := zm.GetOperand(operandType0) opValue1 := zm.GetOperand(operandType1) opValues[0] = opValue0 opValues[1] = opValue1 fn := ZFunctions_2OP[instruction] fn(zm, opValues, 2) } func (zm *ZMachine) InterpretInstruction() { opcode := zm.PeekByte() DebugPrintf("IP: 0x%X - opcode: 0x%X\n", zm.ip, opcode) // Form is stored in top 2 bits // "If the top two bits of the opcode are $$11 the form is variable; if $$10, the form is short. // If the opcode is 190 ($BE in hexadecimal) and the version is 5 or later, the form is "extended". // Otherwise, the form is "long"." form := (opcode >> 6) & 0x3 if form == 0x2 { zm.InterpretShortInstruction() } else if form == 0x3 { zm.InterpretVARInstruction() } else { zm.InterpretLongInstruction() } } // NOTE: Doesn't support abbreviations. func (zm *ZMachine) EncodeText(txt string) uint32 { encodedChars := make([]uint8, 12) encodedWords := make([]uint16, 2) padding := uint8(0x5) // Store 6 Z-chars. Clamp if longer, add padding if shorter i := 0 j := 0 for i < 6 { if j < len(txt) { c := txt[j] j++ // See if we can find any alphabet ai := -1 alphabetType := 0 for a := 0; a < len(alphabets); a++ { index := strings.IndexByte(alphabets[a], c) if index >= 0 { ai = index alphabetType = a break } } if ai >= 0 { if alphabetType != 0 { // Alphabet change encodedChars[i] = uint8(alphabetType + 3) encodedChars[i + 1] = uint8(ai + 6) i += 2 } else { encodedChars[i] = uint8(ai + 6) i++ } } else { // 10-bit ZC encodedChars[i] = 5 encodedChars[i + 1] = 6 encodedChars[i + 2] = (c >> 5) encodedChars[i + 3] = (c & 0x1F) i += 4 } } else { // Padding encodedChars[i] = padding i++ } } for i := 0; i < 2; i++ { encodedWords[i] = (uint16(encodedChars[i * 3 + 0]) << 10) | (uint16(encodedChars[i * 3 + 1]) << 5) | uint16(encodedChars[i * 3 + 2]) if i == 1 { encodedWords[i] |= 0x8000; } } return (uint32(encodedWords[0]) << 16) | uint32(encodedWords[1]) } func (zm *ZMachine) Initialize(buffer []uint8, header ZHeader) { zm.buf = buffer zm.header = header zm.ip = uint32(header.ip) zm.stack = NewStack() //zm.TestDictionary() } // Return DICT_NOT_FOUND (= 0) if not found // Address in dictionary otherwise func (zm *ZMachine) FindInDictionary(str string) uint16 { numSeparators := uint32(zm.buf[zm.header.dictAddress]) entryLength := uint16(zm.buf[zm.header.dictAddress + 1 + numSeparators]) numEntries := GetUint16(zm.buf, zm.header.dictAddress + 1 + numSeparators + 1) entriesAddress := zm.header.dictAddress + 1 + numSeparators + 1 + 2 // Dictionary entries are sorted, so we can use binary search lowerBound := uint16(0) upperBound := numEntries - 1 encodedText := zm.EncodeText(str) foundAddress := uint16(DICT_NOT_FOUND) for lowerBound <= upperBound { currentIndex := lowerBound + (upperBound - lowerBound) / 2 dictValue := GetUint32(zm.buf, entriesAddress + uint32(currentIndex * entryLength)) if encodedText < dictValue { upperBound = currentIndex - 1 } else if encodedText > dictValue { lowerBound = currentIndex + 1 } else { foundAddress = uint16(entriesAddress + uint32(currentIndex * entryLength)) break } } return foundAddress } func (zm *ZMachine) GetPropertyDefault(propertyIndex uint16) uint16 { if propertyIndex < 1 || propertyIndex > 31 { panic("Invalid propertyIndex") } // 1-based -> 0-based propertyIndex-- return GetUint16(zm.buf, zm.header.objTableAddress + uint32(propertyIndex * 2)) } func PrintZChar(ch uint16) { if ch == 13 { fmt.Printf("\n") } else if ch >= 32 && ch <= 126 { // ASCII fmt.Printf("%c", ch); } // else ... do not bother } // V3 only // Returns offset pointing just after the string data func (zm *ZMachine) DecodeZString(startOffset uint32) uint32 { done := false zchars := []uint8{} i := startOffset for !done { //--first byte------- --second byte--- //7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 //bit --first-- --second--- --third-- w16 := GetUint16(zm.buf, i) done = (w16 & 0x8000) != 0 zchars = append(zchars, uint8((w16 >> 10) & 0x1F), uint8((w16 >> 5) & 0x1F), uint8(w16 & 0x1F)) i += 2 } alphabetType := 0 for i := 0; i < len(zchars); i++ { zc := zchars[i] // Abbreviation if zc > 0 && zc < 4 { abbrevIndex := zchars[i + 1] // "If z is the first Z-character (1, 2 or 3) and x the subsequent one, // then the interpreter must look up entry 32(z-1)+x in the abbreviations table" abbrevAddress := GetUint16(zm.buf, zm.header.abbreviationTable + uint32(32 * (zc - 1) + abbrevIndex) * 2) zm.DecodeZString(PackedAddress(uint32(abbrevAddress))) alphabetType = 0 i++ continue } if zc == 4 { alphabetType = 1 continue } else if zc == 5 { alphabetType = 2 continue } // Z-character 6 from A2 means that the two subsequent Z-characters specify a ten-bit ZSCII character code: // the next Z-character gives the top 5 bits and the one after the bottom 5. if alphabetType == 2 && zc == 6 { zc10 := (uint16(zchars[i + 1]) << 5) | uint16(zchars[i + 2]) PrintZChar(zc10) i += 2 alphabetType = 0 continue } if zc == 0 { fmt.Printf(" ") } else { // If we're here zc >= 6. Alphabet tables are indexed starting at 6 aindex := zc - 6 fmt.Printf("%c", alphabets[alphabetType][aindex]) } alphabetType = 0 } return i } func main() { buffer, err := ioutil.ReadFile("zork1.dat") if err != nil { panic(err) } var header ZHeader if header.version != 3 { panic("Only Version 3 files supported") } var zm ZMachine zm.Initialize(buffer, header) for !zm.done { zm.InterpretInstruction() } }