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Runtime-compiled blitters

Maciej "Yarpen" Sinilo (


When writing 3D/game/demo engine you may encounter the problem of fast blitting from one surface to another, possibly with conversion between different pixelformats. This article presents a technique allowing for speeding up this operation. Usually, conversion of pixel component looks like:

    destA = ((srcA >> rightShift) << leftShift) & mask;

That is, we shift component to the "right" position within the (d)word and mask it. There are maaaany combinations of shifts/masks, depending on source/destination format. Possible methods of conversion are:

Now here's yet another idea -- runtime-compiled blitters. It combines the best features of first two approaches and minimalizes their flaws.

Runtime-compiled blitters -- background

The idea behind runtime-compiled blitters is to divide conversion process into stages. Later, during the program execution we can "glue" the stages together and have full pixel conversion pipeline. Each pixel conversion may be divided into these stages:

In the practice it's better to combine stages 2&3 (unpack/pack) together.

; __cdecl assumed! Arguments passed via stack!
                push    ebp
                mov     ebp, esp

                mov     edi, [ebp + 8]  ; dst
                mov     esi, [ebp + 12] ; src
                mov     ecx, [ebp + 16] ; # of pixels

loop32:         mov     eax, [esi]

                mov     ebx, eax                ; EBX = ARGB
oshr:           shr     eax, FORCE8
                mov     edx, ebx                ; EDX = ARGB
oandr:          and     eax, FORCE32            ; EAX = R
oshg:           shr     ebx, FORCE8             ;
                mov     ebp, edx                ; EBP = ARGB
oshb:           shr     edx, FORCE8             ;
oandg:          and     ebx, FORCE32            ; EBX = G
osha:           shr     ebp, FORCE8
oandb:          and     edx, FORCE32            ; EDX = B
                or      eax, ebx                ; EAX = RG
oanda:          and     ebp, FORCE32            ; EBP = A
                or      eax, edx                ; EAX = RGB
                or      eax, ebp                ; EAX = ARGB

                mov     [edi], eax

oincsrc:        add     esi, FORCE8
oincdst:        add     edi, FORCE8

                dec     ecx
oloop:          jnz     NEAR loop32

                pop     ebp

This are stages for converting multiple pixels, so we additionally have increasing src/dst pointers, looping and function prologue/epilogue. Now, as you can see all the shifts, masks, pixel-sizes are "hardcoded" to FORCE8/FORCE16/FORCE32. These are conversion "attributes", which should be modified during blitter compilation. To make this possible we need to export information about them. Below for example you can find configuration table for all attributes of UnpackPackA (A = with alpha component, I use special code paths for pixelformats without alpha, it's faster) stage:

                dd      SHIFT_B_OPCODE, oshb + 1, 1
                dd      SHIFT_R_OPCODE, oshr + 1, 1
                dd      SHIFT_G_OPCODE, oshg + 1, 1
                dd      SHIFT_A_OPCODE, osha + 1, 1
                dd      SHIFT_R_VALUE, oshr + 2, 1
                dd      SHIFT_G_VALUE, oshg + 2, 1
                dd      SHIFT_B_VALUE, oshb + 2, 1
                dd      SHIFT_A_VALUE, osha + 2, 1
                dd      AND_R_VALUE, oandr + 1, 4
                dd      AND_G_VALUE, oandg + 2, 4
                dd      AND_B_VALUE, oandb + 2, 4
                dd      AND_A_VALUE, oanda + 2, 4
                dd      NONE, 0, 0

; Loop is quite interesting, so I put it here also.
                dd      GO_JUMP0, oloop + 2, 4
                dd      NONE, 0, 0

NONE marks end of attribute table. Getting valid offsets (second entry) and sizes (third) may be a little tricky, especially for jumps/loops, good CPU/assembler manual helps tremendously here. I also found Hacker's View program very valuable. I just dumped generated code to binary file and examined under HV. This way I could check if all the attributtes fall into right positions, if the loop addresses are OK and so on. For generic blitter optimized for 80x86 architecture we have the following attributes:

struct Attr
                // Max number of jumps in one code fragment
                MAX_JUMPS = 4,

        enum Code
                // NOTE: There are MAX_JUMPS possible jump 'slots'.
                SET_JUMP0,                      // Set address of jump #0
                // Go to address of jump #0
                GO_JUMP0        = SET_JUMP0 + MAX_JUMPS,
                SHIFT_R_OPCODE  = GO_JUMP0 + MAX_JUMPS,


        mu32    code;   
        mu32    offs;   
        mu32    bytes;  

C/C++ side

Compiler of course should be written in HLL language. Each stage is described by structure:

struct Stage
        const mu8*      pStart;
        const mu8*      pEnd;
        const Attr*     pAttrs;

        // Copies code to given address (pCompiled, copying is only done
        // when this is not NULL). pJumps is an array of at least
        // Attr::MAX_JUMPS items -- jump adresses are stored there.
        mu32 Copy(mu8*& pCompiled, const Compiler::Config& cfg, mu32* pJumps);

I also use some macros to make declarations easier:

#define STAGE_COMMON(X, ATTR)                           \
extern "C" mu8 ASM_StdBlit_##X;                         \
extern "C" mu8 ASM_StdBlit_##X##_End;                   \
static struct Stage s_##X##_stage =                     \
{                                                       \
        &ASM_StdBlit_##X,                               \
        &ASM_StdBlit_##X##_End,                         \
        ATTR                                            \

#define STAGE(X)        STAGE_COMMON(X, 0)

// STAGE_ATTR - declaration for stage containing attributes

#define STAGE_ATTR(X)                                   \
extern "C" Attr ASM_StdBlit_##X##_Attr;                 \
STAGE_COMMON(X, &ASM_StdBlit_##X##_Attr)

Included declarations are:

STAGE_ATTR(UnpackDepackA);      // Version for alpha

#undef STAGE

Compilation process takes 2 loops (this idea was found in Qube's Software QDraw). During the first we only calculate the size of conversion routine, during the second code is finally generated and put into buffer (of size calculated during first pass, possibly with some alignment). Below you can find main compiling function.

// mu32 Stage::Copy(mu8*& pCompiled, const Compiler::Config& cfg,
//      mu32* pJumps)
// Desc:        Copy code to given address (pCompiled, copying is only done
//              when this is not NULL). pJumps is an array of at least
//              Attr::MAX_JUMPS items -- jump adresses are stored there.
//              It will also update pCompiled address, so that it points
//              at the byte just past the end of copied code.
// Out:         Size of this stage (code) in bytes
mu32 Stage::Copy(mu8*& pCompiled, const Compiler::Config& cfg, mu32* pJumps)
// Right/left shift? Returns positive one.        
#define GET_SHIFT(C)    \
        (info.leftShifts[C] > 0 ? info.leftShifts[C] : info.rightShifts[C])

// Generate opcode (SHL or SHR)
// Note:        Please make sure opcodes are OK (they vary together with
//              registers, so beware!)
//              Each macro is in the following form:
//              OPCODE_FOO where FOO is name of register that's shifted
//              left or right.
//              For example 0xE0 is the same as SHL EAX and 0xE8 - SHR EAX.
//              Basically you add 0x8 to get SHR from SHL.
#define OPCODE_SH_EAX   (info.leftShifts[PixConvInfo::R] > 0 ? 0xE0 : 0xE8)
#define OPCODE_SH_EBX   (info.leftShifts[PixConvInfo::G] > 0 ? 0xE3 : 0xEB)
#define OPCODE_SH_EDX   (info.leftShifts[PixConvInfo::B] > 0 ? 0xE2 : 0xEA)
#define OPCODE_SH_EBP   (info.leftShifts[PixConvInfo::A] > 0 ? 0xE5 : 0xED)

        RT_ASSERT(pStart != 0);
        RT_ASSERT(pEnd != 0);
        RT_ASSERT(pJumps != 0);
        RT_ASSERT(pEnd - pStart > 0);

        const PixConvInfo& info =;
        const ms32 codeSize = pEnd - pStart;
        RT_ASSERT(codeSize >= 0);
        if (codeSize == 0)
                return 0;

        // If pCompiled == 0 then it's only the first loop -- we only need to
        // calculate code size, return it.
        if (pCompiled == 0)
                return codeSize;

        // Copy opcodes
        rtMemCpy(pCompiled, pStart, codeSize);

        // No attributes -- return
        if (pAttrs == 0)
                pCompiled += codeSize;
                return codeSize;

        // Set attributes if needed...
        for (const Attr* pAttr = pAttrs; pAttr->code != Attr::NONE; ++pAttr)
                mu32 val = 0;
                mu32 jumpIdx = 0;
                // Relative offset -- offset from the start of the code.
                const mu32 relOffs = pAttr->offs - (mu32)pStart;

                switch (pAttr->code)
                        // Set jump address
                        case Attr::SET_JUMP0:
                        case Attr::SET_JUMP0 + 1:
                        case Attr::SET_JUMP0 + 2:
                        case Attr::SET_JUMP0 + 3:
                                jumpIdx = pAttr->code - Attr::SET_JUMP0;
                                pJumps[jumpIdx] = (mu32)pCompiled + relOffs;

                        // Execute jump                                
                        case Attr::GO_JUMP0:
                        case Attr::GO_JUMP0 + 1:
                        case Attr::GO_JUMP0 + 2:
                        case Attr::GO_JUMP0 + 3:
                                jumpIdx = pAttr->code - Attr::GO_JUMP0;
                                // +4 -> opcode
                                val = pJumps[jumpIdx] -
                                        ((mu32)pCompiled + relOffs + 4);

                         case Attr::SHIFT_R_OPCODE:
                                val = OPCODE_SH_EAX;

                         case Attr::SHIFT_G_OPCODE:
                                val = OPCODE_SH_EBX;

                         case Attr::SHIFT_B_OPCODE:
                                val = OPCODE_SH_EDX;

                         case Attr::SHIFT_A_OPCODE:
                                val = OPCODE_SH_EBP;

                         case Attr::SHIFT_R_VALUE:
                                val = GET_SHIFT(PixConvInfo::R);

                         case Attr::SHIFT_G_VALUE:
                                val = GET_SHIFT(PixConvInfo::G);

                         case Attr::SHIFT_B_VALUE:
                                val = GET_SHIFT(PixConvInfo::B);

                         case Attr::SHIFT_A_VALUE:
                                val = GET_SHIFT(PixConvInfo::A);

                         case Attr::AND_R_VALUE:
                                val = info.masks[PixConvInfo::R];

                         case Attr::AND_G_VALUE:
                                val = info.masks[PixConvInfo::G];

                         case Attr::AND_B_VALUE:
                                val = info.masks[PixConvInfo::B];

                         case Attr::AND_A_VALUE:
                                val = info.masks[PixConvInfo::A];

                        case Attr::SRCPIX_SIZE:
                                val = cfg.srcFmt.GetByteDepth();

                        case Attr::DSTPIX_SIZE:
                                val = cfg.dstFmt.GetByteDepth();


                // Now put the value in the code
                if (pAttr->bytes > 0)
                        RT_ASSERT(pAttr->bytes <= 4);
                        const mu8* pVal = RT_REINTERPRET_CAST(mu8*)(&val);
                        for (mu32 i = 0; i < pAttr->bytes; ++i)
                                pCompiled[relOffs + i] = *pVal++;

        pCompiled += codeSize;
        return codeSize;

#undef GET_SHIFT

One tricky part here is performing the jump. We get the absolute jump address (stored as SET_JUMPx attribute) and put it just after the 'jnz' instruction.

Optimizations, ideas

Re-compiling the blitter each frame is of course not recommended. Better idea would be to cache functions. I think it's highly unlikely for standard application to convert between more than 5-6 (top) pixelformats, so the cache doesn't have to be big. Implementation is very easy -- each time blitter is requested we test the cache, if correct blitter found - just return it, if not - compile, store in the cache and pass to the caller. When the cache is full you would most probably want to replace the LRU (least recently used) element. Sounds (and is) simple, but works very good in practice.

Another good idea is to add some compiler interface. All the converting routines need to get is pointer to blitter compiler. This allows for specialized implementations, like compilers optimizing for MMX/SSE and so on. Really cool. In my engine I have compiler interface + generic 80x86 implementation only, but adding MMX blitters wouldn't even require recompilation!

Please also remember that runtime-compiled code doesn't have to be limited to blitters (in fact I'd first try HW only solution in this case, nowadays :). It's just an example, you can most probably think of many other applications for this technique.


Here are the results for P5-200MMX, S3 ViRGE 2MB VRAM. 640x480 blitting (VESA) with ARGB8888 -> RGB565 conversion:

MMX blitter is blitter optimized for MMX (NOT runtime-compiled, hardcoded only for the most common formats) taken from TinyPTC by Glenn "Gaffer" Fiedler. Now, you may think this example is a little rusty. And you're right. Here's something newer -- my zoomer application (sample from RDE), running in 640x480xARGB888 on Celeron 1.2+GeForce2MX. Compiled blitter - 20fps, HW screen quad - 15fps. Much more interesting, right?

End words

Full implementation of runtime-compiled blitter can be found in my old demo-engine -- Reality. I'd like also to thank Janne Hellsten and Ville Mietinen from Hybrid Oy for their help, when I started to implement this system.

Addition -- 26-12-2002: DirectX9 has been released just a few days ago with new StretchRect method of the device interface. I didn't make any tests yet, but it sounds like it may be the ultimate solution of our problem.

Maciej Sinilo,

RDE is copyright © 1997-2002 Maciej "Yarpen" Sinilo.
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