Flying Wild Hog

New Polish development studio, founded mostly by Painkiller veterans, who later worked with me at CDPR for a while as well. Not much at their site yet, but keep an eye on it, those guys are cooking something really interesting. Also, they seem to be hiring, so if you’re looking for job – go for it, they’re a great, very talented bunch. I don’t think it’s very official yet, but nothing can hide from my detective powers…

Old comments

Flying Wild Hog i inne | 2009-09-10 16:05:51

[…] Flying Wild Hog […]

Jacek Weso??owski 2009-08-09 15:07:55

Well, my boss has been in this industry for some 20 years now, and the studio he managed as his first management job, back in early 90s, is a public company now.
Thinking about the future is incredibly important in this industry. If you lose your job one day, and you think “hey, I’m outta job, let’s make a game, or an engine, or two”, then you’re already doomed. You only have a chance if you’ve been making preparations, and the (inevitable) loss of job is just an opportunity.
But I agree that clinging to one GameDev job, hoping that it will last forever, is just sily.

admin 2009-08-09 15:37:14

How many of the people that used to work with him in Funcom (I guess?) are still there (he obviously isn’t)? In general, staff turnover is just crazy in gamedev. I don’t think I know many people who spent more than 6 years in one company. It’s not always that company goes bankrupt, sometimes you just need a change.

Jacek Weso??owski 2009-08-09 16:29:11

The point is, in creative industries people come and go all the time for a variety of reasons, which is important because of the keyword that has been used here (“survive”). As long as you don’t have to change occupation, you have survived. As long as a company exists, it has survived. Long term financial success is possible for individuals as well as companies.
Right now, most of the turnover in the industry is caused by the prevalent lack of professionalism on the part of leadership and management of various companies (including people who try to start up serious business without having any business education or professional assistance - they may succeed, but they’re basically asking for trouble). But even when that’s no longer the case, people will still be changing their jobs, if only for variety’s sake.

ed 2009-08-06 21:50:33

IMO the worst thing in gamedev is to think about the future. In blue collar job or white collar job (especially in public sector) you may think about financial security.
In gamedev just do what you can, as best as you can. No one has receipe for success so be prepared for changes.
There’s no one that survived in gamedev longer than 5 years :) Even the big companies were changing over last few years.
People come, people go…

therealremi 2009-08-04 10:50:31

I guess, once you get sacked, the false sense of security of working for some big company suddenly seems less attractive.
At least I hope that in the future, when economic slowdown is gone, people will think twice before accepting seemingly attractive offer from some big developer if it comes without any social insurance benefits (which are standard for blue collar jobs by the way).

admin 2009-08-02 20:44:44

It may or may not be true. I’d say that in majority of cases, most experienced people either leave themselves (and have some other option ready, so they don’t just sit at home waiting for offers) or stay with the company, as they are too valuable to let go.

admin 2009-08-02 19:46:16

Hub of Polish gamedev, where else? :)

Jacek Weso??owski 2009-08-02 19:55:19

Given how some one hundred individuals living in Warsaw, most of them quite talented, have lost their GameDev jobs in the last six months, it’s only natural that new teams are starting to show up.
Most of those people are skilled specialists, but they could really use some funding and organizational know-how. If you happen to have a spare few million euros and a good producer or two, now would be a very good time to invest those resources here.

therealremi 2009-08-02 19:19:28

I guess they are based in the biggest village in Europe?

Your Dad 2011-05-23 00:58:32

i’ve heard that they’re taking time lol, 3 years or something. i don’t think anything good will pop up after such a long time.

admin 2011-05-23 16:52:11

I think it’s 2 years so far. If they can afford it - more power to them. As Miyamoto said - “A delayed game is eventually good, a bad game is bad forever.” We’ll just have to wait & see.

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